Everyone should obey the law, so long as the law conforms to morality, justice and the welfare of the people. When the law ceases to be moral, just or is plainly detrimental to the interests of the people then what claims to be the law is not law at all and its deliberate breach through non-violent means is essential to the well being of the community. Thus it is that, UK RADAR sets out to deliberately breach the law in this publication because it is believed that the law relating to super injunctions to have become tainted by the judiciary who have stumbled under the delusion that that they elevated over the interests of the people or know better of those interests that the people's elected representatives. UK RADAR makes this publication knowing that it could entail arrest and imprisonment.
In recent months senior members of the English judiciary have developed a law of privacy without the writ of an elected Parliament. The sole purpose of this law of privacy seems to be to protect the well-heeled from public scrutiny. Whether this has tarnished the reputation of the judiciary is not for further comment. What is relevant is that the law and practice which has developed in the courts is bereft of any reason and ultimately carries the potential of eroding fundamental freedoms. Accordingly, it is an axiom of moral reasoning that where a law or an order of the court prohibits the publication of matters which properly are entitled to be in the public domain then an act of civil disobedience may be required to bring into the public domain those very matters, and regardless of the consequences to the publisher.
1. Fred Goodwin is a chartered accountant and banker who was formerly chief executive of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group (RBS).
2. Due to Fred Goodwin's incompetence £20,000,000,000 (£20 Billion) of taxpayers money had to paid to save Royal Bank of Scotland Group. This is nearly £300 for every man woman and child in Britain.
3. Fred Goodwin's incompetence came to light during the banking crisis of 2008 and it was subsequently revealed that taxpayers were also liable to pay Fred Goodwin a £700,000 pension yearly.
4. Shortly after the banking crisis of 2008 it is alleged that Fred Goodwin had an affair with a colleague. It has been hinted that this affair was with Susan Bor.
5. Upon it appearing to Mr.Goodwin that the allegations of his affair were to be made public, the court granted him not only an injunction preventing any person from disclosing the allegations about the affair but the court went further and even granted order preventing anyone from even mentioning that Mr.Goodwin was a banker.
Whether Mr.Goodwin had an affair or not and whether it was with Ms.Bor may or may not be true. Indeed the whole issue, from an objective view point, is a banal triviality in analysing the failure of the banking system in 2008. What is most important is that when reasonable people believe that matters, concerning individuals, who have so adversely impacted the lives of every citizen, should be capable of being in the public domain, then the courts must be compelled to note their accountability to the people even though such a reminder may involve an act of disobedience and ultimately imprisonment. What is of paramount importance is that a court of law in a free society should never prevent legitimate free discussion about figures in the public domain. When they do this, by invoking a silence through the terror of imprisonment, the judiciary itself is in contempt of the people. In a true democracy the people do not fear the judges, but that the judges fear the people!
It is acknowledged that the five paragraphs set out above breach the court order (super injunction) obtained by Mr.Goodwin and are a deliberate contempt of court with the potential for imprisonment. Both Mr.Goodwin's lawyers and the judiciary are cordially invited to undertake steps towards proceedings for contempt in respect of this publication. The author awaits arrest and imprisonment.
Authored and Published by Mohamed Dawoodji (FLR), (address for legal process may be obtained by email ukradar@gmail.com)